Sophie Elizabeth Casha

Sunday, 31 January 2010


What a splendid time for a little late night post! After a hard days labour back in the cheeky little city of London, running many an errand and venturing into the abyss of soy chai tea latte addiction, its bed and bath time for this home bird. Thankfully, i've been the recipricant of some fantastic sleep advice, which in turn is slowly beginning to reverse my habit of insomnia. Sunday nights have always been the most disappointing in the slumber sense, so I suppose the proof will be in the bowl of monday morning Bran Flakes and banana. 

Nevertheless, I felt it apt to unearth yet another ailment of mine - my blasted astigmatism. Although the upside of having one squashed eye is the prospect of a new set of specs, hence the possibly passé Raybans. What the heck, I think they're cool for the time being. I usually plump for a dainty frame in order for them to sort of merge into my disturbingly loud and obscure features that are usually fighting each other for space on my face, now however, what comes with age is wisdom and a sense for not really giving a toss about ones nose to eyes to mouth ratio. 

My outfit to epitomise the coming year. Thigh High Boots and a little Topshop playsuit in a crazy little floral pattern with long sleeves and an open back. Not bad at all for five squid sales bargain. Please, I beg of someone, anyone, to take me anywhere on Valentines night, for the sole purpose only to wear my lovely little suit. :(

In other news, found a cross, decided to wear it.
Oh yeah and I'm gonna bring back leopard print. In a non-ironic, poetic sense. WIZZAR!!

Dolce and Gabbana. Leather. Christmas present. Redeemed my faith in the season of terror! Surprisingly difficult to wear without looking like a two-bit hooker. Well, if you're going to get wet... might aswell go swimming. Sorry. Couldn't leave it at such a disturbing innuendo climax.

I really cannot get enough of Micheal Roux Jr. Is it the eyes? The French? The Omelette Rothschild? Good God! He's just an all round naughty boy.

Still have yet to develop one iota of knowledge regarding the new camera. And I really don't care.

Those I regard as friends will know that I have yet to and most likely will never get my ears pierced. Generally I think it's charming to keep at least one thing about yourself pure and unspoiled, plus I think it looks particularly elegant on occasion, and also lends itself to many a talking point. However, I lament the fact I cannot wear a divine pair of pearls with a black cashmere sweater. I abhor the fact my ears have to go unadorned whilst wearing a strapless gown. That is until I received this incredible set of vintage 1920's clip on earrings from my Grandmother for Christmas. I have since taken it upon myself to collect and archive of vintage clips, also acquiring a pair of pink pears today in a tiny little dive store in Shoreditch. Its my aim to research some fabulous classic designs and perhaps even begin to make them myself! For all those other long suffering ladies who've a pair of lonely lobes!

PS Angel A owns

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